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Employee Clearance Information

New Employees/Paid Coaches: Act 34 (criminal), Act 151 (child abuse), and Act 114 (fingeprint) clearances are required and must be current – not older than one year. Act 126 mandated training child abuse recognition and reporting certificate is required, as well as professional ethics certificate, and must not be older than 5 years. New employees only must also complete form Act 168 and  PDE-6004 form. Thereafter, clearances and Act 126 training need to be updated every 60 months/5 years. 

Please review Northgate Policies 806 Child Abuse , 824 Maintaining Professional Adult/Student Boundaries, 317.1 Educator Misconduct and 829 Whistleblower on the district website and then print and sign the Northgate School District Policy Review Form.  

Current Employees/Paid Coaches: Act 34, Act 151, Act 114, and Act 126 need to be updated every 60 months/5 years from the date on the clearance. It is your responsibility to keep these up-to-date.

If you have any questions, contact Laureen Dowd via email at or by calling 412-732-3300, ext. 2110.

Act 34 – Criminal History Clearance
You can apply directly online at   Once your results are available, make sure you click on the Control # and then Certification form at the end in order to obtain your actual clearance results and print 2 copies – 1 for yourself and 1 for the District. If not applying online, the form can found at – Form #SP4-164 for employees – under the “help” tab. IMPORTANT: Clearance forms marked volunteer are not valid for employment purposes.

Act 151 – Child Abuse History Clearance
You can apply directly online at When you are able to access the results, print 2 copies – 1 for yourself and 1 for the District. If not applying online, the form can be found at – Form CY 113 – under the “find a form” tab.  (Note:  Do not click on apply for Consolidated Eligibility Letter)

Act 114 – Fingerprinting Clearance
Please be aware that the Act 114 Clearance is a multiple step process.

Step One: Register online for an appointment at or by calling 1-844-321-2101. Employee/Paid Coach- For Service Code - Use - 1KG6XN
Step Two: Go to an approved fingerprint site to be fingerprinted. A complete list of approved locations can be found at to take proper id with you - as listed on their site.)
Step Three: Once you have been fingerprinted, provide the UEID number to the Northgate School District via e-mail at

When registering, you will need to obtain a code number. When asked which state, select Pennsylvania, when asked to choose an agency – select PDE, and when asked to pick reason – select PDE-School District. (It is important to pick the correct options in order for the School District to obtain your results).

Act 126 – PA Recognizing & Reporting Child Abuse  and Professional Ethics & Educator Discipline 
Act 126 consists of completing the mandated Act 126 Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Training topics covered under the site (link below), as well as completing the Professional Ethics and the Educator Discipline Act training topics covered under the pde link below.  You must submit both certificates (one from each separate training). Below are instructions for both.

The Child Abuse Recognition & Reporting training can be completed at
(and) (When taking the course, they recommend using either a laptop or desktop, as it does not work well with a mobile device.  Also, they recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox for the browser.) 

 The Professional Ethics & the Educator Discipline Act training can be completed at You must create an account first before you can access the courses, go to to create a new account if you don't already have one. Once you have an id and password, then go to and log in. Once logged in, near the top of screen, click on menu and pick course catalog, then when that screen opens, half-way down, on drop-down menu pick Act 126 and then pick appropriate option.

Act 24/Act 82 – Arrest/Conviction Report and Certification Form (PDE-6004) Form
You must complete and submit the Act 24/Act 82 PDE-6004 Arrest/Conviction Report and Certification form. Click here to access Act 24/Act 82 PDE-6004 form.

Act 168 – Prior Employee Background Check
You must fill out an Act 168 form for every school you worked at and/or where you worked with children. If you have not worked at a school or with children previously, please still fill out the form and check the square next to former employee block that shows no applicable employment. In addition to former employee info and your application name info, please make sure you also fill in the circles and sign on the top portion of the other page. Click here to access the Act 168 form.