The Northgate High School Class of 2024 reflected on their time together during their commencement ceremony at Alumni Field on June 6, while district leaders praised the graduates for their work and growth over the years.
In her commencement speech, Superintendent Dr. Caroline Johns told graduates in the Class of 2024 to embrace their uniqueness and let it guide them to make positive impacts in the world.
“As you step into the next chapter of your lives, remember that every ending is a new beginning filled with opportunities to learn, grow, and make a difference,” Dr. Johns said. “As one of our most famous and beloved Pittsburgh neighbors, Mr. Rogers, once said: ‘Often when you think you’re at the end of something, you’re at the beginning of something else.’ He also reminded us, ‘There’s no person in the whole world like you.’”
High School Principal Dr. Nicole Smith reflected on teaching the class English when they were in the seventh grade, and the joy she has experienced watching them grow over the years.
“You have come a long way since those seventh grade days,” she said. “You have faced challenges and obstacles, celebrated victories, and learned from setbacks. Each of you has grown not only in knowledge, but in character. You have become leaders, artists, scientists, athletes, and most importantly, compassionate and thoughtful individuals.”
Valedictorian Erin King told her classmates that they had overcome a variety of challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, during their educational careers to accomplish great things.
“Congratulations to each and every one of my fellow graduates who have worked diligently on their studies to be here tonight earning their high school diploma,” she said. “This success wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for the dedication and commitment to one’s goals. I implore you to commit yourself to 100% to anything you do in life.”
Salutatorian Anthony Demangone encouraged his peers to remember to appreciate the simpler moments in life and cherish the time spent with loved ones as they set out on a new chapter in their lives.
“The next time you are with the people you love or doing something you enjoy, remember that you’re doing what’s most important,” he said.
Watch the entire Commencement Ceremony here.