Bellevue Elementary School


Kindergarten Registration

The Northgate School District will host a spaghetti dinner for families of students entering kindergarten in the 2024-25 school year!
The dinner will be 5 to 7 p.m. on Feb. 29 at Bellevue Elementary School, 435 Lincoln Ave. This event is for families from both Avalon and Bellevue boroughs.
Get to know school administrators, teachers and other parents of our future learners during this fun event!

School Offices Contact Information

Bellevue Elementary

435 Lincoln Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15202
412-732-3300 Ext. 4000
Fax: 412-734-8047

Office Hours
7:30 am - 3:30 pm

Breakfast Program
7:45 - 8 am

School Hours
8:05 am - 2:55 pm

Michael Amick

Dr. Michael Amick
Bellevue Elementary


Students who miss school are required to submit an attendance excuse to the district. Parents may either fill out an attendance excuse form and return it to your school's office or attendance secretary listed below:
School Secretary
Bellevue Elementary

Health and Counseling

Elementary School Nurse
Malla Mizikowski
Avalon Ext. 3107
Avalon Fax: 412-734-8054

Bellevue Elementary Counselor
Brian Talbert
412-732-3300 Ext. 4006
