The District administers a variety of assessments to monitor and support student achievement. Assessment data is the catalyst for informing instructional decisions in the Northgate School District. Assessments may be utilized specifically for academic placement, some are state-mandated, and some are part of a District-wide assessment initiative. The District uses a comprehensive student information system to track individual results throughout a student's school career and develop strategies to ensure student success.
K-2 | Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS)
The DIBELS literacy assessment will be given in grades K through five. Students will only be tested individually during the "testing windows" as indicated. Additional information regarding the DIBELS testing will be provided to parents/guardians throughout the school year.
3-8 | Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA)
The District administers PSSA Mathematics and PSSA Reading tests in grades three through eight, the PSSA Writing test in grades five and eight, and the PSSA Science test in grades four and eight. Additional information regarding the PSSA testing will be sent to parents/guardians prior to each of the tests.
10-12 | Keystone Exams
The District administers Keystone Exams in Biology, Literature, and Algebra I, as required by the Commonwealth for federal accountability purposes. For more information regarding the Keystone Exams requirements, visit the Pennsylvania Department of Education's website. Additional information regarding the Keystone Exams will be sent to parents/guardian prior to each of the tests
For More Information
Director of Curriculum and Assessment
Dr. Chris Caton
412-732-3300 Ext. 1101