Elementary Counseling

Our Elementary Counseling Department is committed to providing all students with a comprehensive program which systematically addresses the three areas of academic, career, and personal/social development. This model allows us to assist students in exploring, planning and realizing their individual interests, abilities, and goals. 

Alongside other adults in the school community, our counselors help create a safe and welcoming school environment. They promote a positive school environment through our Growing Resilient Students programs each school year. Our counselors are available to help students address any social concerns that arise during the school year. It is our goal to promote positive peer relationships and school affinity through guidance lessons, lunch groups, and individual meetings with students.

In addition to fostering a safe school environment our counselors teach children coping skills and positive peer interactions:

  • Focusing attention
  • Personal safety
  • Fair ways to play
  • Empathy
  • Self-advocacy
  • Emotion management
  • Problem-solving skills

Our counselors work collaboratively with parents, educators and the community to provide support for student achievement while carefully considering the developmental needs for our students. All services are designed to have a positive impact on student development, sense of belonging and self-concept.

For More Information

Avalon Elementary Counselor
412-732-3300 Ext. 3112

Bellevue Elementary Counselor
Brian Talbert
412-732-3300 Ext. 4206