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Northgate Flames | Swimming

Northgate Swim and Dive Team finishes the season on top

The Northgate Swimming and Diving Team completed their regular season with a thrilling meet against Shadyside Academy. The Northgate girls’ team entered this meet needing to win in order to secure one of the top spots in their section. With some hard fought swims, they achieved this; beating Shadyside Academy and finishing the regular season in a three way tie for 2nd place in their section! The Shadyside and Northgate boys’ teams both entered this meet undefeated. With an exciting win, the Northgate boys clinched the title of section champs and secured their second, consecutive undefeated season! 

The Northgate natatorium was packed with fans and filled with excitement for some very fast swimming and also to honor the teams’ seniors: Amelia Hardiman, Ryan Hartle, Sam Kohler, Lilia Mackenzie, Kendall McKelvey, Elise Nardozzi, Brayden Rollins, Zach Schuster and Isaac Stoekle.

The Northgate Swimming and Diving Team will next compete in  the WPIAL championship meets. Diving Championships will take place at North Allegheny Natatorium on February 23, 2024. Swimming Championships will take place at Trees Pool at the University of Pittsburgh on February 29 and March 1, 2024. 



Kate Campbell
Northgate Swim and Dive Boosters

Varsity Swimming Schedule

Team Opponent Date Time Location
Northgate Varsity Coed Swimming vs.
North Hills High School
North Hills High School
Northgate Varsity Coed Swimming vs.
Highlands High School
Northgate High School
Northgate Varsity Coed Swimming vs.
Hampton High School
Hampton High School

For More Information

Athletic Director
Mr. Todd Goble

Varsity Swimming Coach
Ashley Vranick 

Athletic Forms

Athletic Facilities