Goal Areas & Evaluation
The Pennsylvania School Code provides as follows: The Superintendent shall be the chief administrative officer and chief instructional officer of the Board of Education and the School District, and shall be responsible for the execution of all actions of the Board, the administration and operation of the public school system subject to the policies of the Board, and the supervision of all matters pertaining to instruction in all the schools under the direction of the Board. The Superintendent’s goals will be aligned to the District’s mission: “to provide the best education possible for each and every student.”
Superintendent Goal Areas 2024-25
The following goal areas were collaboratively developed by the Superintendent, Board of Directors and administrative team.
#1 Complete the AASA National Superintendent Certification program
Rationale: This past year, I began work on gaining my national certification through AASA. The AASA National Superintendent Certification program provides an opportunity for deeper learning in the areas listed below. It also provides the opportunity to stay current with what is occurring at the state and national level. I have participated in the program for the past year and found it to be incredibly valuable. I am currently completing my Capstone project and will attend the final three days of the program in March 2025. Graduation from the program will occur at the conclusion of the March session.
Topic Areas:
- Transformational Leadership and Visioning
- Understanding and Developing Effective Board-Superintendent Relations Including Legal Matters
- Understanding and Ensuring Equity
- Navigating Community, State and National Politics
- The Impact of Economic Pressures, Budgeting and the Global Pandemic
- Effective Instructional Leadership and Continuous School and System Improvement
- Impactful and Effective Communications including Social Media for All Stakeholders
- Serving Effectively as CEO and Education Leader in the District and Community
- The superintendent will participate in the professional development sessions for the certification program which includes the following
- Three day professional learning sessions in March 2025
- Presentation of Capstone project
- Graduation from the program
- Three day professional learning sessions in March 2025
- Complete work on Capstone project which will be shared with the Northgate Board of Directors. This work is already in the process of being implemented and will continue to be worked on and refined in the year to come. Evidence will be data presentations and discussions that occur throughout the year.
- Completion of National Superintendent Certification
Champions: Superintendent
Progress Update:
#2 Lead the Board through the process of teacher contract negotiations.
Rationale: The current teacher Collective Bargaining Agreement expires June 30, 2025. Therefore, the Board of Directors will begin negotiations with the NEA during this current school year. As superintendent, I will be working with the administration to collect background information (i.e. contract comparables) and identify areas of the contract that need to be addressed. With the Board, I will serve on the negotiations team team and will provide the Board needed information and assist with setting negotiation priorities.
- Collect information on comparable contracts for the Board to use as a reference.
- Draft contract language for the Board’s consideration
- Work with the Board to determine goal areas for the contract, including financial parameters.
- Coordinate with the Northgate Education Association on all logistics related to bargaining.
- Participate in the bargaining sessions.
- Provide timely updates to the Board on negotiations.
Champions: Superintendent, School Board and Administration
#3 Engage with Studer Education on leadership and survey development
Rationale: During my time in the national certification cohort, I had the opportunity to participate in professional development session with Studer Education. Based on these experiences, I recommended to the Board that we engage with them for executive level coaching. The Board approved this so it is included as a goal area. We have engaged them for one year so it will be important to closely monitor the value they bring to our district. Below is a scaled down version of “measureables”. These will become more developed as the work with Studer progresses.
- Participate in coaching sessions.
- Develop plans for implementing identified strategies/areas of focus.
- Develop metrics of success with Studer and monitor them.
- Provide regular updates to the Board.
Champions: Superintendent
Update on Progress:
Superintendent Goal Areas 2023-24
The Board met in October and completed the review of the Superintendent's goal and she has satisfactorily met her goals for the 2023-24 school year.
The following goal areas were collaboratively developed by the Superintendent, Board of Directors and administrative team.
#1 Make progress on completing the AASA National Superintendent Certification program
Rationale: I believe that as the leader of the school district, it is important that I continue to model lifelong learning. Currently, I am in my 8th year of being a superintendent. At this point, I have the basic knowledge to be successful in my position, but I feel it is important to continue to hone my skills throughout the course of my career. The AASA National Superintendent Certification program provides an opportunity for deeper learning in the areas listed below. It also provides the opportunity to stay current with what is occurring at the state and national level. This program runs for a year and a half. Therefore, completion of the program will not occur until the spring of 2025.
Topic Areas:
- Transformational Leadership and Visioning
- Understanding and Developing Effective Board-Superintendent Relations Including Legal Matters
- Understanding and Ensuring Equity
- Navigating Community, State and National Politics
- The Impact of Economic Pressures, Budgeting and the Global Pandemic
- Effective Instructional Leadership and Continuous School and System Improvement
- Impactful and Effective Communications including Social Media for All Stakeholders
- Serving Effectively as CEO and Education Leader in the District and Community
- The superintendent will participate in the professional development sessions for the certification program which includes the following
- Three day online professional learning sessions in September 2023
- Three days of in-person professional learning preceding the AASA national conference in San Diego, CA.
- Three days of virtual or in-person professional learning in September 2024(location is TBD)
- Participate in cohort meetings which occur between learning sessions
- Complete work on Capstone project which will be shared with the Northgate Board of
Directors Champions: Superintendent
#2 Update district safety training and implement the Standard Response Protocol (SRP) and Standard Reunification Method (SRM from the I Love You Guys Foundation.
Rationale: School safety and security is an ongoing area that needs to be continually addressed. In addition, we have the opportunity to participate in the newly developed “mutual aid” group being formed by the AIU3. This is a group of districts that have agreed to provide support to each other should a critical incident occur. As part of our participation, we have to implement the SRP so that we have a common language with the other districts.
- Schedule and complete SRP training provided by AIU3
- Plan and assist with facilitating training on the SRP in the school district ❖ Attend county mutual aid meetings and complete any follow up tasks
- Schedule and complete SRM training for the district
- Oversee implementation of the SRM protocols
- Review the safety and security assessments that were conducted by the state police and prioritize implementing recommendations
Champions: Superintendent and Principals Update on Progress:
#3 Facilitate and support board professional development
Rationale: The Northgate Board of Directors has committed to ongoing professional development in order to continue to operate as an effective and efficient governance Board. This has included multiple one-day retreats facilitated by an outside consultant. At this point, the Board has a solid structure and processes in place and is ready to move beyond the basics of Board governance. Therefore, the superintendent, in conjunction with Board leadership, will plan and facilitate the Board retreats for the upcoming school year. This will allow us to tailor the sessions to specific needs of our Board and district.
- The superintendent will work with Board leadership to identify dates and locations for the Board retreats.
- The superintendent will solicit feedback from the full Board on areas they are interested in focusing on.
- The superintendent will work with the Board leadership to develop the agenda (i.e. focus areas for each session).
- The superintendent will plan and facilitate the Board professional development days.
Champions: Superintendent and Board of Directors
- Superintendent Goal Areas 2022-23
- Superintendent Goal Area 2021-22
- Superintendent Goal Areas 2020-21
- Superintendent Goal Areas and Evaluation 2019-20
- Superintendent Goal Areas and Evaluation 2018-19
Superintendent Goal Areas 2022-23
The Board met in October and completed the review of the Superintendent's goal and she has satisfactorily met her goals for the 2022-23 school year.
The following goal areas were collaboratively developed by the Superintendent, Board of Directors and administrative team.
Rationale: One of the superintendent goals last year was to lead the development of a district strategic plan. This goal was completed and a new strategic plan was adopted by the Board of Directors on September 19, 2022. Therefore, the main focus area for this evaluation year will be putting in place processes to support the implementation of the plan and continued monitoring of progress. This includes a process for reporting out to the Board of Directors and identifying if/when revisions need to be made to the plan.
- The superintendent will identify lead people for each of the goal areas prioritizing which goals should be worked on first.
- The superintendent will develop a template for the leads to document progress on the goals.
- The superintendent will monitor progress of each goal area and report progress to the Board via the committees and a bi-annual update.
- The superintendent provide more frequent updates on progress in the Weekly Review.
Champions: Superintendent and Administrative Team
Rationale: The superintendent will serve as the Lead on the goal areas detailed below.
- Core Value: Welcoming Environment:
We strive to make everyone feel welcomed and valued in our schools. This starts with the first greeting on the phone or in the office. We listen and ask questions to seek clarity when a colleague, parent, or student expresses a need. We take ownership and accept responsibility for making sure needs are met.
- Visitors to the district will be greeted in a professional, welcoming manner.
- Action Steps:
-A standard greeting will be developed and systemically implemented throughout the district
-Student ambassadors will be identified in each building and will be trained to welcome visitors.
-Priorities for welcoming visitors will be identified and implemented by any staff/student who greet visitors into the building.
- Core Values: Community Allies
We value community partnerships and recognize that it takes a village to enact the mission of the District and collectively “We” (parents/ guardians, faculty, staff and the broader community) can help students realize their potential and become good citizens.
- Develop process for populating common district calendar so that parent/guardian and community events and activities are coded and communicated effectively.
- Action Steps:
-Create a plan/ process for how information is populated on the district calendar. Identify stakeholders responsible and accountable for populating and coding the district calendar.
-Implement the plan before the end of the 2022-203 school year.
Champions: Superintendent
Rationale: One of the areas identified in the strategic plan is to empower students and staff. As stated in the plan, We value the diverse perspectives of our students and encourage them to confidently use their voice. We value the expertise of our staff and seek their input into our educational programming.
Therefore, one of the goals is to create a superintendent advisory committee that meets throughout the year and is comprised of students representing diverse backgrounds and experiences.
- The superintendent will work with the secondary guidance counselors to identify a group of students with diverse background and experiences to participate in the group.
- The superintendent will schedule meeting times throughout the year.
- The superintendent will work with the group to identify meeting norms and priorities. This will be done using human centered design activities from the Luma Institute.
- The superintendent will create meeting agendas and facilitate the meetings based on the priorities identified.
- The superintendent will provide the students support in implementing their ideas.
Champions: Superintendent
Rationale: The Northgate Board of Directors has committed to ongoing professional development in order to continue to operate as an effective and efficient governance Board. This has included multiple one-day retreats facilitated by an outside consultant. At this point, the Board has a solid structure and processes in place and is ready to move beyond the basics of Board governance. Therefore, the superintendent, in conjunction with Board leadership, will plan and facilitate the Board retreats for the upcoming school year. This will allow us to tailor the sessions to specific needs of our Board and district.
- The superintendent will identify dates and locations for the Board retreats.
- The superintendent will solicit feedback from the full Board on areas they are interested in focusing on.
- The superintendent will work with the Board leadership to develop the agenda (i.e. focus areas for each session).
- The superintendent will plan and facilitate the Board professional development days.
- The superintendent will contact outside consultants, as needed, for specific topics identified by the Board (i.e. new member orientation).
Champions: Superintendent and Board of Directors
Superintendent Goal Area 2021-22
The Board met in October and completed the review of the Superintendent's goal and she has satisfactorily met her goals for the 2021-22 school year.
The following goal areas were collaboratively developed by the Superintendent, Board of Directors and administrative team.
Rationale: Over the past several years, the Board of Directors has worked with an outside consultant on professional learning, specifically focusing on how to effectively govern. Part of the discussion was about the Board identifying strategic goals, with the input of various stakeholder groups, and using those goals to guide their governance work. The district was positioned to begin strategic planning but was delayed due to the pandemic.
While we continue to deal with the pandemic, the administrative team is recommending we move forward with strategic planning. This will allow us the opportunity to engage multiple stakeholders as we create an updated vision for our district. The strategic plan will then serve as a guide for the work to be done during the upcoming years.
- The superintendent will work with administration to develop an overall strategy for the strategic planning process.
- The superintendent will work with the Board of Directors to identify stakeholders to serve on the strategic planning committee.
- The superintendent will identify and procure any needed resources to complete the strategic planning process.
- The superintendent, along with administration, will facilitate the strategic planning process.
- Once the plan is completed, the superintendent will work with the Board of Directors to identify their roles and responsibilities as a governing body during the implementation of the strategic plan.
Rationale: The Northgate Board of Directors and the Northgate community have expressed their commitment to ensuring an equitable educational experience for all children, regardless of race or background. It is recommended that this continue to be a goal area for the upcoming year. The Board of Directors has the responsibility of setting the vision for the district and the Superintendent has the responsibility of operationalizing that vision into practice. This goal focuses on development of actionable strategies and the successful implementation of them.
- Continue to become educated about the social equity issues that typically occur in schools and in our society.
- Assist the Committee Chairs with the logistics and communications for the Social Equity Committee.
- Participate in the Social Equity Committee and provide regular input to assist with developing actionable goals and strategies.
- Oversee the implementation of recommendations/goals from the Social Equity Committee.
Rationale: Prior to the pandemic, there was a noticeable and increasing need for social emotional support for our students. The pandemic only exacerbated that need and has put us in a position where we are anticipating an even more significant need among more students. Recognizing this as a priority, we have been working with the Allegheny Health Network to implement The Chill Project for the 2021-22 school year.
- Full implementation of the Chill Project at all three buildings.
- Active involvement in identifying processes to support implementation and
- identification of issues as they arise.
- Identify and monitor metrics to determine level of student access to and success of the program.
- Participate in the Western Pennsylvania Demonstration District cohort which includes participating in the AASA Learning 2025 Social Emotional Learning cohort.
- Present the program at the AASA National Conference Learning 2025: Student Centered, Equity Focused Education.
Superintendent Goal Areas 2020-21
The following goal areas were collaboratively developed by the Superintendent, Board of Directors and administrative team.
Goal Area 1 | Leading Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
Rationale: Schools across the country are currently being challenged by a crisis the likes of which we have never seen before. We start the 2020-21 school year in the midst of this crisis and will be dealing with the consequences for years to come. Therefore, the focus of this goal area is on successfully leading the district through the crisis.
- The Superintendent will continue to stay current on the most recent guidance at the regional, state and national level in regards to best practices for schools during the time of COVID-19.
- The Superintendent will develop and continue to adapt the district’s Phased School Reopening Health and Safety Plan in response to the most current information available, stakeholder input, and local conditions. The Superintendent will also provide leadership to the committees that have been developed to oversee plans in the following areas: Cleaning/Disinfecting, Food Service, Curriculum & Instruction, Social & Emotional Needs, Building Operations, Technology, and Professional Development.
- The Superintendent will work directly with the Director of Curriculum and Assessment to monitor the impact of disruptions on students’ academic progress. This includes making educational recommendations post-COVID.
- The Superintendent will continually monitor and adjust staffing as the needs of the district change. This includes adjustments to the supervision of the custodial/maintenance department and implementation of the cleaning/disinfecting plan. It also includes oversight of staffing needs once in-person learning resumes. This is in anticipation of potential staffing disruptions due to COVID exposures (i.e. required quarantining) and/or illness.
- The Superintendent will coordinate with outside agencies that utilize spaces within the Northgate School District.
- The Superintendent will communicate with all stakeholders on a regular basis to ensure that everyone has updated information.
Champions: Superintendent, All Administrators
Goal Area 2 | Addressing Social Equity Issues
Rationale: The Northgate Board of Directors and the Northgate community have expressed their commitment to ensuring an equitable educational experience for all children, regardless of race or background. In response to this, the Board is in the process of creating a committee that will focus on issues of social equity and how they translate into practice in our schools. The Board of Directors has the responsibility of setting the vision for the district and the Superintendent has the responsibility of operationalizing that vision into practice. This goal focuses on development of actionable strategies and the successful implementation of them.
- Continue to become educated about the social equity issues that typically occur in schools and in our society.
- Assist the Committee Chairs with the logistics and communications for forming and maintaining the Social Equity Committee.
- Participate in the Social Equity Committee and provide regular input to assist with developing actionable goals and strategies.
- Oversee the implementation of recommendations/goals from the Social Equity Committee.
Champions: Superintendent, Social Equity Committee
Superintendent Goal Areas and Evaluation 2019-20
The following goal areas were collaboratively developed by the Superintendent, Board of Directors and administrative team.
Goal Area 1 | Development Of Well-Aligned Rigorous Assessments
Rationale: If we want to ensure students are prepared to be college and career ready, we must make sure their skills and knowledge align to our well-articulated curriculum. This means developing rigorous performance indicators that will inform both instruction and future curriculum alignment.
- Dedicated time for assessment building and creation. This will be a collaborative effort with the Director Curriculum, Principals and teachers. Technical expertise from the AIU3 will be included as needed. The focus will be on using student data to identify areas of weakness and strength to more closely align our instruction with the expectations of the PA Core Standards.
- Develop a more strategic focus on the use of student data for the purpose of driving instruction and monitoring progress.
Champions: Superintendent, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Principals
Goal Area 2 | College in the High School Program
Rationale: This past year, the College in the High School program was implemented in the High School. Significant time and effort was spent on developing our partnership with CCAC in order to provide students access to affordable college credits.This is significant, because it provides an opportunity for students who may not have considered college an option. We were fortunate enough to receive funding through a generous grant from the Grable Foundation. Our focus this year is to increase the number of students taking advantage of this program by maintaining close contact with CCAC, communicating effectively with families and providing supports throughout the enrollment process.
- Monthly meetings with the Northgate administration and CCAC representatives. These meetings will be for the purpose of trouble-shooting, planning communication and support, and monitoring progress.
- Written communication to families, including letters sent home and social media.
- On-site events at Northgate and CCAC to promote the program and assist families with enrollment.
- Provide support to students for the placement tests.
Champions: Superintendent, Director of Curriculum and Assessment, High School Principal
Goal Area 3 | Teacher Negotiations
Rationale: As stated in the recent financial review completed by PASBO, they are “cautiously optimistic” about our financial future. This optimism is dependent on negotiating a teacher contract that takes into account the financial realities that all districts are facing with our current state funding system. This year, we will be engaged in teacher negotiations for the current Collective Bargaining Agreement that is set to expire June 30, 2020. Consideration must be given to negotiating a contract that appropriately compensates our teachers and takes into consideration our financial realities.
- Work with the Board to set goals and parameters for negotiations.
- Prepare information for the Board that is necessary and relevant for negotiations.
- Participate in negotiation sessions when deemed appropriate by the Board.
- Provide regular updates to the Board on the progress of negotiations.
Champions: Superintendent, Business Manager
Superintendent Evaluation & Objective Performance Standards
In addition to the annual goals, the evaluation will assess progress made in the following special focus goal area specific to the 2019-20 contract year: Development Of Well-Aligned Rigorous Assessments, College in the High School Program and Teacher Negotiations.
The Superintendent’s Annual Evaluation was conducted and approved by the Northgate Board of School Directors on August 31, 2020. Based on the 2019-20 goals, Dr. Caroline Johns was rated as More than Satisfactory.
Superintendent Goal Areas and Evaluation 2018-19
Goal Area 1 | Development Of An Aligned K-12 Curriculum
Rationale: In order to prepare students to be college and career ready, we must make sure all students are ready for the information age while enhancing critical thought. We must develop a curriculum that uniquely meets the needs of all learners while progressively providing them with access to rigorous, customized programs of study.
Measurables: This collaborative effort includes dedicated days for curriculum analysis and writing led by the faculty, the curriculum director, and building principals with technical expertise from the Allegheny Intermediate Unit. The focus will be on using student data to identify areas of weakness and strength to more closely align our instruction with the expectations of the PA Core Standards.
The Northgate School District will develop a strategic focus on the use of student data for the purpose of driving instruction and monitoring progress including:
- Broaden the use of USA Test Prep to identify individual student strengths and weaknesses
- Provide instruction that is specifically tailored to each child’s profile
- Use district data to inform curriculum development
Goal Area 2 | Operations And Finance
Rationale: The Board of School Directors has been in the process of gaining a renewed understanding of facilities management, and its role in that process, especially when undertaking a multi-year capital improvement plan. This is an area of work that needs to continue to ensure that there is a plan for maintaining the district’s capital assets.
Measurables: The superintendent and business manager will work with the Buildings and Grounds Committee to identify priorities for this year and a calendar for implementation. Develop a three-five year strategic plan for updating and renovating the elementary buildings. This will include a breakdown by year of major capital improvement projects. Plan and implement capital improvement projects for Summer 2019, including a decision regarding Alumni Stadium.
Goal Area 3 | Community Engagement
Rationale: The Northgate School District must develop a sustained connection with families, business, and residents of the district to enhance long-term support. Strategically, it makes sense to communicate with these target audiences as if they are customers to ensure an understanding of our “products.” The focus will be both internal and external communications with faculty, staff, and families with an emphasis on gathering feedback on the Northgate experience.
Measurables: Continue to implement a process for the District to consistently promotes “points of pride,” including parent emails, social media postings, back-to-school nights, and other communication channels. This year, we plan on adding a digital video series that features the Superintendent promoting the district and redesigning the District website.
Additional tactics include:
- Quarterly District Newsletter from the Superintendent to be distributed to the community.
- Continue the “Coffee with Caroline” series featuring small, conversational groups to drive participation and engagement.
- Conduct parent survey based on previous Communication Audit results. Analyze for positive and negative trends and make recommendations.
Superintendent Evaluation & Objective Performance Standards
In addition to the annual goals, the evaluation will assess progress made in the following special focus goal area specific to the 2018-19 contract year: Public Relations and Communications, Relevance and Rigor in Educational Programming, Stakeholder Morale, and Enhancement of District Funding Sources.
The Superintendent’s Annual Evaluation was conducted and approved by the Northgate Board of School Directors on August 19, 2019. Based on the 2018-19 goals, Dr. Caroline Johns was rated as More than Satisfactory.