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The Northgate School District follows a 1:1 technology model. iPads are provided to students in kindergarten and 1st grade. ChromeBooks are provided to students in grades 2-12. 

Computer instruction is provided to all students, and computer labs are available in each building. Classrooms are equipped with screens and projectors used as tools to enhance and facilitate learning and assessment. A high-speed wireless network and networked laser printers exist in all buildings across the district.

The Technology Department is responsible for providing ongoing support for all students and staff in the district.

For More Information

Technology Support Specialist
Rob King
412-732-3300 Ext. 1225

Technical Support

Student  Support
For technology support regarding non-functional district owned
devices or login issues email

For issues connecting to Google Classroom email your classroom
teacher directly.

Google Suite Status
Click here to check the status of our Google Suite Applications.

Teacher Help Desk